A Majority of One

Jo Nathan is a homemaker, of Lakeview, Oregon.

Until recently, I had so much faith in the intelligence and integrity of women that the growing noise over "equal rights" (which I have always claimed) failed to disturb me. As time went on, however, I found myself doing something I thoroughly disapprove of; putting labels on people. I have kept my labels few and simple: 1) male, 2) female, 3) Man, and 4) Woman.

By accident of birth we enter this world as male or female. By our own effort and maturing we become Man or Woman.

For as long as I can remember, I have admired great women and men, identifying more with the women, of course. My parents and teachers encouraged me to believe I could become successful at anything I attempted, providing I possessed the innate ability and the willingness to work. They taught my brothers the same thing.

My older brothers encouraged me in my "tomboy" attitude of equality, explaining to my mother that tomboys usually grow up understanding men and how to get along with them. I believe my brothers were right. I still have great respect for the men I meet. It is a pity their number is dwindling. However, I am not prepared to work alongside boys over 21 years of age, who show no interest in becoming men. I confess to being impatient with them. But I am even more impatient with aging girls. Perhaps because of ingrained habit and tradition, I still expect more from females than I do from males.

In their search for "change" in their society, too many idle females have worked on shallow levels, such as changing the suffix man to person (chairman becomes chairperson, etc.). It is not strange to me that they did not seek to change the basic word, Woman to Woperson. They show no real awareness of the meaning of the word, WOMAN, and the responsibility and discipline required to wear such a beautiful, powerful name.

A brief UPI news release concerning a convention of feminists stated that four different leaders "told delegates" to do this or not do that… A new flag was waved at the delegates. The new flag is labeled "minirape." Minirape was then defined as a physical or verbal intrusion on the rights of women as human beings. Then, the person who defined the word told the other persons at the meeting what to do about such an intrusion.

I maintain that women have already learned how to handle such situations. In most cases they prevent "intrusion" by behaving as women. We are aware that men are victims of minirape also, possibly more frequently than women. Do they need someone to tell them what to do about it?

My temper is flaming again. It does every time I read things like this from a news release: Women were told to watch for and demand removal of textbooks if they show women in the traditional, lesser role of homemaker… 

Like many other women, I prepared for and chose the role of homemaker. I have never thought it is lesser and I still do not think it is, although many have tried to make me believe it.

Who are these brainwashed females who would like me to become a carbon copy of themselves and my children a carbon of their own? This "majority of one" refuses to accept the invitation to join the club. They have a right to think and become whatever they wish, but their freedom ends where mine begins!